Marius Warholm Haugen

A blog about libraries, literature and (digital) scholarship.

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Digital Humanities is 21st Century Librarianship

This post is already a few years old, but it is still a fun read. The definition of DH offered here might be a bit too open to say anything concrete about how librarians can get involved in innovative humanities research. However, I do still agree with the assumption that the modern librarian skill set could and should be very valuable to DH researches. The challenges might more than anything be connected to institutional barriers and traditions:

KPK: Kpop Kollective

Kaetrena Davis Kendrick, M.S.L.S.

University of South Carolina Lancaster

This past May I presented at a Library and Information Science (LIS) conference to talk with my colleagues about how I am using my professional skills at KPK (and why they should do similar work). If you browse the KPK site, you will quickly come across the essays and Shout Outs pieces I’ve published, and my main projects –Digital Documentation, News Archiving, and KPK Intern training — rely heavily on the data mining, information organization, and emerging technology skills and tools I’ve honed and come across in my work as an academic librarian.

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